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       Michele Tinker is a wonderful teacher in every way! She knows each student on a personal level and meets them where they are when it comes to learning. She recognizes that not every child learns in the same way and caters the learning environment to optimize the success of each of her students.

       When we first enrolled our son in Brighthouse Learning, he had already been in two schools. Neither of them was able to meet his unique educational needs as a person with Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Now, as an 8th grader he is getting the challenge that he needs in a warm, nurturing environment. He is so happy to go to school each day which is a huge celebration for our family! He is thriving in school and his love of learning is stronger than it has ever been!

       He has enjoyed getting to know his fellow students and has practiced interacting in a positive way, socializing and manners. This is an important life skill for a person with Asperger’s Syndrome.

We are so grateful for Mrs. Tinker and look forward to many more years of success at Brighthouse Learning!


                    Dan and Jennifer Spiak 2019


Michele Tinker photo

            Michele Tinker is a beautiful lady inside and out!  She is kind, soft spoken, and very patient, yet means what she says.  She makes learning fun using creative “hands on” projects to promote understanding the lesson, better.   She integrates the subjects to teach “real life” concepts.  The children love her and blossom under her hand.  While teaching 4th grade in California, she received the PTA "Teacher of the Year” award.  Quite an honor!  My granddaughter has been with Mrs. Tinker for two grade levels and we have seen such tremendous growth in academics and maturity.  We are so blessed to have found Mrs. Tinker and Brighthouse Learning Center!             


Signed, Ann Satterlee 2019

       We have been very pleased with our choice of Michele Tinker at Brighthouse Learning Center for our daughter's 9th grade educational program. Actually, it was our daughter's choice to come to Brighthouse. We toured multiple home school tutors and she selected Mrs. Tinker to be her teacher.  This "buy in" step has proved to be important as our daughter admires and respects Mrs. Tinker; and we have seen a direct impact on her level of effort and willingness to learn.

        Our daughter has had issues with traditional classrooms in terms of her focus (she has ADD/ADHD) and her behavior (she has not always been cooperative or collaborative with other students).  At Brighthouse, she has been motivated to learn and not get overwhelmed with the mechanics or process of a school. We have seen her grades improve, her rate of learning increase, better attention to academic detail and a renewed sense of pride in her school work. We are grateful to Michele for her impact with our daughter.

       Mrs. Tinker follows Louisiana State Standards and her selection of curriculum is parallel to other state accredited schools. She is extremely knowledgeable of different teaching approaches to meet the needs of individual children. Using these techniques, to engage students in literature, math, and biblical studies. 

       We also wish to celebrate the positive, encouraging atmosphere with regards to the other Brighthouse students. There is a friendship and comradery that has allowed our daughter to relax and begin enjoying her time "at school". Homework is light where it had been overwhelming. Our daughter is now largely self-directed in terms of her study time and preparation for tests. We feel that she has been very well prepared for re-entry back into public school classrooms. Her confidence and self-concept have been restored. We are very grateful to Michele for her wisdom and guidance in this process.


Jim & Theresa Currie 2019 


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