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Homeschool Requirements

Bright-house Learning Center: 

We provide our prepared Packet of Materials for parents of full-time enrolled students. Just scan and email the electronic documents and renew! (The only thing we don't provide is #6 below, because it must be written by a relative or friend. Parents will need to ask someone to write this letter.)

  1. Our 180 day school-year calendar 

  2. Our outline of your child’s subjects as they were taught throughout the year. 

  3. Our simple list of your child's books and materials that were used during the year. 

  4. Selected small sampling of the student’s work from the previous year. You only need to send 1-2 pages per core subject area taught (i.e. Math, English, Social Studies, Science) 

  5. Our report cards and/or progress notes. We provide 4 report cards during the year, each with progress notes. We do not administer Standardized Tests but encourage parents to participate in the yearly testing available at the St. Tammany Parish district office for $35.00.  (see below) 

  6. Reminder to obtain: A statement from a 3rd party (e.g. relative, friend) observing the student’s progress. Parents will need to ask someone who will write their educational progress statement.

  7. Our photos of activities, performances, projects, experiments, and 3-dimensional work that we share with parents are included in this packet. 

  8. Reminder to only submit copies of these documents if you are sending via USPS mail. Mailed documents may not be returned. 


Parents are also given a complete portfolio box of student work collected throughout the school year and a flash drive with all photos taken throughout the school year. 

Families may ask the STPSB District Office to register their child for a standardized examination for their home study program. Registration deadlines are in March. Standardized exams may include, but are not limited to, any of the following: a) LEAP 2025 English Language Arts and Math tests for grades 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9; b) Louisiana LEAP for grades 4 and 8; c) End of Course Exams for grades 9-12; d) ACT; e) The California Achievement Test (CAT) or Stanford Test f) Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS); or g) SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Call Karen Kaety 985-898-6481


Brighthouse Learning Center has many students who continue to successfully renew with BESE as well as those who re-enter public school, depending on academic and social goals.



Louisiana Laws:

  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit annual notice to the Louisiana Department of Education, and must include either a packet of materials or an assessment (by standardized test or portfolio evaluation) with each subsequent year’s notice. Approval may be denied if a child is not making appropriate progress. Parents must offer 180 days of instruction and provide a “sustained curriculum of quality at least equal to that offered by public schools.” There are no parent qualifications or bookkeeping requirements.

  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must submit an annual enrollment report to the state Louisiana Department of Education and are required to provide 180 days of instruction. There are no parent qualification, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.

  • Home study programs must “offer a sustained curriculum of quality at least equal to that offered by public schools at the same grade level.”

  • Assessment: Each year’s renewal application must be accompanied by “satisfactory evidence that the program has in fact offered a sustained curriculum of quality at least equal to that offered by public schools at the same grade level.” This requirement may be satisfied in several ways: (See Brighthouse above)


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